We aim for a 90% certainty level when identifying a specific user in an anonymous fashion. There is an ongoing process to constantly test and improve this level of certainly on currently identifiable, yet anonymous audiences by comparing match rates via user cookie match, versus a Clinch ID match.
Define “Deterministic” and “Probabilistic” in the context of the Clinch ID Graph Builder.
A Deterministic ID refers to scenarios in which we are 100% sure the uniqueness of the user is true. For example, when a user enters their email address into a form on an advertiser’s website, that email address is considered to be a deterministic signal. There is no further assumption to be made. The email entered is “true”.
A Probabilistic ID refers to when we conjecture based on multiple signals. Each of those signals may not necessarily be unique on their own, but when grouped together, we are able to establish a pattern that is unique. For example, IP and user agent are not unique signals by themselves, but when incorporated with behavioral signals such as a user visiting an advertisers’ specific product page, they provide enough of a pattern to uniquely identify the user.